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Get Paid To Lik Share comment

Welcome To Our Get Paid To
Like, Comment, Share Infomation

To set up your account you will need to download our app on your phone
to do this please search for MiniDM Rewards from your app store and download the app.
register your details
then you will need to register here
(please use your name as your username so we can allocate your positions to our rewards boards easier)

You will get
1 stamp per like
2 stamps per comment
3 stamps per share (limited to 20 shares a day)

You will get a
£1 position for 100 stamps
£2 position for 200 stamps
£5 position for 500 stamps
TeamMate for 1000 stamps

A TeamMate will help your positions to move through the boards
as they will follow you through the boards as they purchase their positions or create re-entries
on our Flick The Switch days
(we have 2 every week Friday and a random day chosen from our Monday Wheel Of Fortune)

come back to our page and start liking commenting and sharing posts
( please share posts in open groups, not private ones,
if you post in a private group then your share will not be counted for your stamps)

Please Like Our Facebook Page so you can like other Business's Posts
Join our Facebook Group so you can earn extra Stamps for doing extra activities