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Active 4 Follow The TeamSkipper starts from the £5 board upwards
TeamMates wishing to invite friends and family or anyone into MiniDM will now be able too and that TeamMate will fall within
your next avalible free board position therefore releasing your
Cash Rewards faster
for example, if you are already top of any £10 board or upwards
you only need to invite 4 TeamMate's in and the system will place them in the next avalible free position within your boards to
release your Cash Reward
If you are already in the middle positions of any £10 board or upwards
you will need to invite 4 TeamMates in and they will be placed within your next free avalible positions to release your Cash Reward
If you are not already in any of the above you can still take advantage of Active 4 Follow the Skipper
by purchasing a £5 position or upwards and inviting 6 TeamMates into
MiniDM and the system will place them in the next avalible free positions to release your Cash Reward
6 Positions are needed if your just starting up or do not have you middle level filled
There is no time limit on inviting TeamMates in but we have made it possible for you now to invite TeamMates and
receive your Cash Rewards the same day over and over again
We are here to advise and help you with Active 4 Follow The TeamSkipper all the way,
all you need to do to get started is click/tap on any of the admins names below and
send us a message
David Gilyeat Phil Campion Kevin Jones
or contact us or leave a comment via our facebook group
bringing light to the solution