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  Paid For Activity

Welcome to our Loyalty App information page

Thanks for joining our App to earn stamps follow each Business info from below

We will be adding more as we grow


Customers will get 1 Stamp for each product Purchased 


10 stamps will get them a £1 position 

25 stamps will get them a £2 position

70 stamps will get them a £5 position 

100 stamps will get them a TeamMate 



TeamMates must join

Our Facebook Groups Here and Here

You will also need to register on our Boards page Here so you can get your positions

Once in the Paid for Activity Group

You can scroll through the posts to see what activity you would like to take part in

Each post will have its own instructions 

Please follow them correctly so we can add your stamps to your app back office. 

Once you start getting stamps from your activity

You can save them to purchase positions or TeamMates

100 stamps will get you a £1 position

250 stamps will get you a £2 position

700 Stamps will get you a £5 position 

1500 stamps will get you a TeamMate

There will be special offers from time to time as we grow