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Now Here's A  Way To Get The JUMP On Your Competition & Start Making CASH REWARDS

It Doesn't Matter Whether You've Ever Joined A Rewards Program In The Past Or Not... Because Now You Can Join This Unique New Rewards Program 

In today's society, there's a strong demand for affordable online programs that provide TeamMates with quality products that they can put to good use, as well as a way to make an online income.

If you're tired of joining programs that don't end up making you any money... then you really need to keep reading, because you won't be disappointed with the results you can achieve with our CASH REWARDS program.

We developed our CASH REWARDS system to take the hard work while making it simple and straight forward for TeamMates to earn in several ways.

  • Receive £5 to £10,000 when you cycle through corresponding boards (Then start again with FREE re-entries to repeat the process over and over again!)
  • You'll receive a complimentary position in the lower / higher boards when you cycle out of each the boards!

Have You Ever Been In A Rewards Program That Stalled as it only paid the once?
That's NOT Going To Happen Here Because We've Taken Measures Against That!

Our unique CASH REWARDS system keeps working continually to ensure our TeamMates are in a positive position. With program longevity planned in advance, and stealth tactics included in our REWARDS plan, MiniDM Boards is formulated to continue to grow and prosper over time.

Here's how our program works:

Positions are created from Customers purchasing from our online , offline stores and getting free positions on our boards . They can purchase service positions directly and get advertising positions to post text and banner adds on our network of websites

Board 1 is a 2x2 Board costing £1 that when completed it creates 2 x £2 Positions in the £2 Boards 2x2 System also receive 10 text ad views and 10 banner views on entry. TeamMates also receive 20 text ad views and 20 banner views on entry.

Once the £2 board is completed, the TeamMate receives 50 text ad views, 50 banner views AND 2 free re-entries back into the £1 board again, valued at £2 + a free entry into the £5 Board

Check out full board Cash Rewards , Re-Entries and Upgrades to next levels here

Are You Getting Excited About The Potential For An Online Income?

Our program offer's the following benefits:

  • Let us Create your own Boards for your own team (Contact us for infomation)
  • A good solution for your TeamMate's to create an online income.
  • Company/Member Forced Board Positions combination.
  • Build your business in our 2x2 boards
  • Very affordable £1 to get you started
  • Automatic entry into rewards programme lower / upper boards.
  • 10 - 100,000 Google style text ad impressions rotated throughout our sites.
  • Create your own advertising page for other programs at low costs (contact us for more infomation)
  • Join our online store to earn commissions from our products as well as helping our program grow
  • Full suite of marketing emails and graphics to use in your promotions.
  • Full statistical reports of your TeamMates, their name, and commissions owing, and paid.
  • Full support 365 days of the year.

Are you starting to see just why our program is becoming popular? the CASH REWARDS are good at MiniDM Board., you simply need to register to see them for yourself!

All members that signup receive a bonus marketing and downloads package valued at $69 just for joining! Look at what's included:

Your MiniDM Registration Bonuses Valued At $69!

Lifetime Pro Membership to
($19 Value)

10,000 Banner & 10,000 Text Ad Impressions with ($50 Value)


Now it's time to take the most important step and click the button below to complete the registration form. We can tell you now that we've made it very affordable for everyone that sees this offer.

*ALL For A One-Time Fee Of Just £1*

There's no time like the present to get going. 

Click the link below to register and get started.


We look forward to welcoming you in the TeamMates's area!

PS. When we were in the planning stages of creating this program, we had many strategizing sessions. This has worked out better than we expected as MiniDM moves forward.

If you'd like to see your SHARE POSITIONS,BOARDS and CASH REWARDS then scroll up and click that Join Here link now!